Events Calander

30-Day Content Calendar

Week 1: Pre-Opening Phase

  • Day 1:  Social media post teasing the shop’s interior
  • Day 2: Email newsletter announcing opening date.
  • Day 3: Blog post on the vision and mission of the establishment.
  • Day 4: Instagram story showcasing barista training.
  • Day 5: Facebook post highlighting the coffee menu.
  • Day 6: Twitter update on final preparations.
  • Day 7: Grand Opening announcement across all channels.

Week 2: Grand Opening Week

  • Day 8: Live social media coverage of the grand opening.
  • Day 9: Blog post recapping the opening day.
  • Day 10: Email newsletter thanking attendees, sharing photos.
  • Day 11: Instagram post featuring customer testimonials.
  • Day 12: Facebook event creation for upcoming themed party.
  • Day 13: Twitter update on special opening week offers.
  • Day 14: Social media post promoting weekend events.

Week 3: Community Engagement

  • Day 15: Blog post on community partnerships.
  • Day 16: Instagram story showcasing a popular drink.
  • Day 17: Email newsletter promoting upcoming drag show.
  • Day 18: Facebook post on LGBTQ+ community support initiatives.
  • Day 19: Twitter update on new menu additions.
  • Day 20: Social media post highlighting customer of the week.
  • Day 21: Blog post on the importance of inclusivity.

Week 4: Building Momentum

  • Day 22: Instagram post featuring behind-the-scenes with staff.
  • Day 23: Email newsletter with exclusive offers for subscribers.
  • Day 24: Facebook event creation for upcoming coffee tasting.
  • Day 25: Twitter update on positive customer feedback.
  • Day 26: Social media post promoting next month’s events.
  • Day 27: Blog post on ethical coffee sourcing.
  • Day 28: Recap of the first month, thanking customers and community.


This 30-Day Content Calendar provides a structured approach to engage your audience from pre-opening through the first month of operation. By focusing on key themes like community engagement, inclusivity, and coffee culture, we can create a vibrant online presence that resonates with your unique fusion concept.